TEC Land Arts Festival 2023 PROMO

TEC Land Arts Festival 2023 - Main Film

TEC Land Arts Festival 2023 - spot


東海岸大地藝術節(TECLandArt Festival)是交通部東海岸國家風景管理處於2015年開始委託專業承辦,沿著台灣東海岸各地舉辦的藝術活動,內容包括邀請藝術家駐地創作大型戶外作品,並設置在東海岸沿途風景區,稱之為「駐地創作」。除此之外,還有沿著台11線公路開放藝術工作室、藝術市集、音樂會等,是一個以東部海岸線區域的自然環境、部落生活、棲息居住、旅行壯遊為主題的藝術節。東部海岸壯闊自然,有時優美有時狂野,有時神秘有時開放,生活在其中的人們,寂靜而自然,樸素而自由,本藝術節透過駐地創作、藝術品設置、藝術活動、完善的旅行設施,讓觀光者在公共場所中找到情境涉入與幸福感之關係,繼而產生夢想的在地生根。 2023策展論述《越過第五道浪》 「阿美族的諺語中,aka lalima(不要被打敗),經常是長輩用來勉勵年輕一輩面對困難,不要氣餒,繼續前進的哲理。這句諺語,也被詮釋為與阿美族人對海浪現象的修辭有關,亦即第五道浪(saka lima a taperik)。海浪是有頻率的,通常幾道小浪之後會有兩到三道較大的浪,而較大的浪,被阿美族人稱為第五道浪。從岸際出發,不論潛水或駕船,無論如何都需要面對第五道浪,穿越大浪之後,才有機會抵達更大更深與更廣的海域。」—————-蔡政良 Masi’ac是阿美族人形容漲退潮交替的那段時間,水流強又亂,很多海裡的、潮間帶的生物,在此時移動。因此這個時間成為Micekiw(採集貝類海菜)和Tafokod(撒網捕魚)最佳時機。Masi’ac是一個轉換點,水滿滿的到拉的很乾之間瞬間的轉換,既充滿機會也充滿危險,險中找生存。無論潮間帶上的生物,或者採集牠們的族人,無論被獵取的或獵捕者,都必須在Masi’ac的狀態中做出取捨與判斷,人生中不也常常處在這樣的轉換點嗎?—希巨•蘇飛 達悟的耆老常說:「海是母親的奶水,島是父親的胸膛,你累了躺在島上,但不要忘記你所有的養份源自海洋。」對達悟人而言,世界的中心永遠是海洋,島嶼是飄浮其上的獨立個體。—希婻•瑪飛洑《從女性觀點看人之島的親海文化》 「東海岸大地藝術節」自2005創立至今已邁入第九個年頭,在歷年的策展命題上不斷從自然環境、原住民與各地新移民帶來的多元文化交融出發,反覆論述台灣作為一個島國卻一直被忽略的海洋文化底蘊。尤其自2020年初至今,歷經三年全球因Covid-19疫情肆虐而波瀾起伏天翻地覆,我們自己和整個世界才發現,能夠安居在台灣這樣物質與精神文明都無比多樣性且豐隆的海島上,是多麼值得珍惜的福氣。即便如此,台灣作為一個各種文化價值撞擊交會之處,我們時時生活在對世界局勢與環境變異的警覺中,無時無刻面對各種生存當下抉擇,與如何走向未來的挑戰,然而力量總在極其險峻的縫隙中顯現。 而千百年來生活在島嶼東岸的海洋民族,在潮起潮落無盡循環的潮間帶,與深闊無垠的大洋上求生存並延展出生猛強韌的文化生命力,我們希望透過「東海岸大地藝術節」這個自然地景與人文精神交融的連結平台,深入探索從海洋生活中延展的「海洋修辭學」,例如阿美族人說「aka lalima」(不要被第五道浪擊敗);「Masi’ac」(形容漲潮與退潮之間,那段看似平靜其實暗潮洶湧的過渡時間);再如達悟人將島嶼視為可依靠的父親,而海洋則是溫暖哺育生命的母親,是世界的中心。從海洋文化生活的視野和修辭繼續說我們的故事……挺過疫情最嚴峻的前兩年,台灣依然身處世界強權對峙的邊界前線,我們如同數千年前的祖先們一樣,越過了最大的第五道浪,帶著這個島嶼上的故事,航向更深更廣的海洋了嗎?

In Amis language, “aka lalima”(Don’t be defeated) is often used by seniors to encourage juniors not to give up when feeling frustrated by difficulties. It is also interpreted as Amis people’s attitude toward the unpredictable ocean waves, namely saka lina a taperilk(the fifth wave). Ocean waves have their patterns, usually there will be two or three big waves after several mild waves, and Amis people call bigger waves the fifth wave. Setting out from the shore, diving or sailing, everyone is to face the fifth wave. One won’t really arrive in the expansive and deep water without passing through the fifth wave. ~ Futuru Tsai Inaugurated in 2015, the East Coast Land Arts Festival has entered the ninth year. Over the past years, the curatorial themes continued to explore the relationship between humans and nature, which is reflected in the diversified cultures sparkled by new and old populations living in this island. The deep and broad oceanic cultures that had been overlooked, although Taiwan is an island, has been discussed over and over through our curatorial discourse. The outbreak of Covid-19 and the turbulence it caused all over the world during the past three years let us understand how we have been blessed in this island. We still could live and work in peace and enjoy the rich supplies of material and spiritual lives under the threat of pandemic. At the intersection of all kinds of cultures and values, Taiwan stays alert in the volatile flows of world politics and environmental changes, and is facing challenges that demand immediate decision-making for survival. Strength always gathers up at the most hazardous moments. For the peoples settling in the east coast for thousands of years, life on the tidal zones or on the borderless ocean gave them rigorous cultures. We are hoping, through the connection of natural landscape and humanistic energy, the East Coast Land Arts Festival will present the rhetoric of oceanic life with the mentality of aka lalima(Don’t be defeated by the fifth wave) in Masi’ac(the turbulent moment between rising and ebbing tides). Or, we shall, like Tao people, find shelter in the Father island and nourish ourselves with Mother ocean. We had been through the worst time of the pandemic by narrating our stories with the perspective of oceanic life, and we became our ancestors who sailed over the fifth wave thousands of years ago. With the legacy contained in the stories, are we ready to sail toward the expansiveness of the ocean?

2022 TaiwanEastCoast LandArts Festival - Promo Video

TEC LandArts Festival 2022 "Island of Mountains, Ocean of Islands"

2022Tecland Artist Video - part 1

2022Tecland Artist Video - part 2


TEC LandArts Festival 2022
Film produced and directed by Cameron Hanson & Tommaso Muzzi

作為已經連續舉辦至第八屆的「東海岸大地藝術節」,或許因為發生於島嶼海濱,經常被喻為「台灣的瀨戶內國際藝術祭」。然而實際上台灣東海岸與日本的瀨戶內海諸島在節氣、文化、歷史、當下面臨的處境、回應世界的態度…等等都截然不同,日本大地藝術祭之父北川富朗說:「瀨戶內海對日本列島而言,就像母親的子宮。安靜沈穩的海洋,提供滿溢的養分和能量。」但是因為近代後受到工業化、全球化衝擊,遂使瀨戶內地區的小島人口外流、島內高齡化加劇,讓這片海洋逐漸喪失了生機。為了恢復瀨戶內海的昔日活力,並串連起海上島嶼的獨特文化,讓瀨戶內海重獲新生與價值,成為「希望之海」,因此以「海洋復權」為核心命題,而催生了2010年首屆瀨戶內國際藝術祭。而東海岸大地藝術節,雖然也是希望透過藝術節的實踐作為旅人、拜訪者與在地生活者之間的橋樑,在歷年的策展命題上也不斷從自然環境、在地阿美族與各地新移民帶來的多元文化交融出發,反覆論述台灣作為一個海島國家一直被忽略的海洋文化精神,但我們論述海洋的觀點與日本內海諸島文化復興對應,反而更接近泛太平洋島民的「眾島之洋」的視野~~這個差異性在於,從島嶼陸地觀看海洋/從海洋的連結、流動性看見自己身處中眾多連結在一起的島群之中。 台灣是群山之島,而島本身就是一座座是聳立在海床上,高過海平面的山,海洋擁抱著、連結著每一座山,每一個離散的島嶼,而擁抱著群山之島的海洋,不是安穩沉靜的海灣,而是有著海中高速公路之稱的黑潮洋流,以驚人的速度循環運輸著許許多多太平洋的洄游生物,包括人類。著許多史學家都認為,「21世紀是太平洋的世紀」,若從台灣中心的視角出發,台灣是海洋亞洲的中心-位處海洋中國、海洋日本與海洋東南亞的中心,也是泛太平洋南島語族起源的中心。然而邊緣或中心都是相對而言,實際上真實的台灣就是「眾島之洋」中的一員,毫無疑問,台灣在海洋中與世界產生連結,而照耀著第一道曙光和第一道月光的東海岸,正是群山之島面向眾島之洋的最前緣。 透過海洋與世界產生連結,在全球因瘟疫而封鎖邊境,人們不再能迅速自如飛往世界各地的當下處境中,更顯得重要。我們重新體認海洋超越任何國界的保護、包容與連結的強大力量,並在不斷變動的、流動的世界中,確認自己的位置。

After having organized for eight consecutive years, the “East Coast Land Arts Festival” is often referred to as “Taiwan’s Setouchi International Art Festival” perhaps because both of them take place on an island by the sea. However, the East Coast of Taiwan and the islands in Seto Naikai (瀬戸内海) of Japan are very different in terms of climate, cultures, history, and current social issues. Art director Tomiro Kitagawa said, “Seto Naikai is like a mother’s womb to the Japanese islands. The tranquil ocean provides overflowing nutrition and energy.” However, due to the recent impact of industrialization and globalization, the population of Seto Neikai islands has decreased from aging and relocation; hence it has gradually lost its vitality. To revitalize the islands of the Seto Naikai, reconnect its unique island culture, and reincarnate with new values as the “Sea of Hope”, the first annual Seto Naikai International Arts Festival was created in 2010 with the core proposition of the ” Restoration of Oceanic Power”. As for organizing the East Coast Land Arts Festival, we also aim to serve as a bridge between travelers, visitors, and residents. Our curatorial themes have always stemmed from the natural environment and the local indigenous Amis culture, and we have repeatedly articulated the spirit of the oceanic culture that has been perpetually neglected by the island state of Taiwan. Contrasting to the cultural revival of the islands in Japan, our prospective of oceanic cultural discourse is more akin to the Pan-Pacific Islander’s vision of the “Sea of Islands” — such a difference lies in how we view ourselves from the island/ through the oceanic connection and fluidity of the sea amidst numerous islands. Many historians agree that “the 21st century is the Pacific Century.” From the Taiwan-centered perspective, Taiwan locates at the center of Oceanic Asia – in the middle of the ocean amidst China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. It is also the mother island, the origin place of the Austronesian languages. However, either as the center or peripheral is just a relative term; in reality, Taiwan is a member of “The Sea of Islands” and undoubtedly, Taiwan is connected to the world through the ocean. As the sun and moon rises and shines over the East Coast of Taiwan, this is the frontier where Taiwan faces the sea of islands. The oceanic connection to the world has become more significant now that we can no longer travel around the world without restrictions due to the pandemic and lockdown. We recognize how the ocean’s mighty power offers protection, inclusiveness, and solidarity as we continuously reassert our position in an ever-changing fluid world.

2021東海岸大地藝術節 - TEC Land Arts Festival 2021 PROMO



TEC LandArts Festival 2021
Film produced and directed by Cameron Hanson & Tommaso Muzzi

2021東海岸大地藝術節-「海歌山和」3分鐘宣傳片 當季風吹來太平洋的歌,吹過蜿蜒曲折的長長海岸線,吹過翠綠與湛藍交錯織就的公路,吹過俯身在山海間勞動耕作的人們,吹向那神秘默然的層層疊翠─海岸山脈。每當深夜萬物沉睡,世界的喧囂終於歸於寧靜時,凝神傾聽就可以聽見海岸山脈回應太平洋之歌的答唱,其實海岸山脈從不沉默,海歌而山和,日日夜夜時時刻刻,亙古而悠長。從三百萬年前菲律賓海洋板塊北端的火山島鏈(現在的海岸山脈)與歐亞大陸板塊的東南邊緣(台灣島)正式碰撞合併開始,不曾間斷。生活在東海岸,人們來回俯身在海邊礁岩上、溪流沖積而成的山邊小平原上勞動著,宛如深夜潮音在山與海之間復返,萬物在這樣的復返實踐中找到生命的療育與延續力量。沒有人比努力安身在大自然劇烈運動中的東海岸人們,更能體會「無常就是生命的日常」!眼前的一切隨時能在傾刻之間改變,「天地不仁,以萬物為芻狗」,大自然的力量有多大,就有多殘酷,就為我們展示多驚人的美!然而我們也總能在大自然令人嘆為觀止的美的撼動中,找到重生的勇氣與契機! 期待透過2021東海岸大地藝節,傳遞東海岸「海歌山和」這樣亙古綿延的療癒力量,重返人與自然的交界之處,重新感受、連結、縫合人與自然的關係。


When the monsoon wind blows, the songs from the Pacific cross over the long and winding coastline, through the country roads interwoven with emerald green and azure blue. They pass the diligently working folks in the mountains and seasides, flow towards the mysterious and silent layers of green mountains and coastal ranges. When everything falls asleep late at night, and the hustle and bustle of the world calms down. We can hear the Coastal Mountains’ songs responding to the Pacific Ocean with full attention and realize that the mountains were never silent. The mountains and ocean harmonize with each other endlessly from time immemorial. It started when the volcanic island chain at the northern tip of the Philippine ocean plate (the present day’s Coastal Range) officially merges with the southern-eastern edge of the Eurasian continental plant (Island of Taiwan) three million years ago. Living on the East Coast, people work back and forth on the sea’s reefs, on small plains by the streams, just like the late-night sound of waves from the returning tide between the mountains and the sea. Everything finds the power of healing and continuity of life in such a practice of to and fro. No one understands “impermanence as the essence of everyday life” better than the people of the East Coast, who thrive to make a living amidst intense natural movements! Everything we see now can change instantly. “The universe has no mercy, treating everything as ceremonial straw dogs”; Nature is as mighty as it is brutal, and as beautiful as it amazingly reveals. Yet, we can always find the courage and chances for rebirth in Nature’s breathtaking and awe-inspiring beauty. Through the 2021 East Coast Land Arts Festival, we hope to convey the timeless and ceaseless healing power of the ” Harmony Mountains and Ocean ” of the East Coast to return to the boundary between humans and Nature, to re-experience, reconnect and piece together the relationship between humans and Nature.

2020東海岸大地藝術節「邊界聚合」 - 3分鐘宣傳影片TEC Land Arts Festival 2020 Promo

2020東海岸大地藝術節3分鐘精華影片 TEC Land Arts Festival 2020

2020 東海岸大地藝術節10分鐘精華影片 TEC Land Arts Festival

2020 Taiwan East Coast Land Art

Films produced by Cameron Hanson and Tommaso Muzzi


The collision and crushing of the Eurasian Continental Plate and the Philippine Ocean Plate that formed the island of Taiwan have been a ferocious and on-going process started six million years ago. Such orogenic movement is caused by the oceanic plate submerging under the continental plate as the Coastal Mountain Range of the East Coast Taiwan, the front edge of the Philippine Ocean Plate continually pushes into the Central Mountain Range of the Eurasian Continental Plate. The East Rift Valley is where the two plates converge into one another, and this process, the birth of the island of Taiwan, is still happening today right under our feet. The concept of “Land” in the “East Coast Land Arts Festival” refers not only to the “land” but also the “boundary where ocean and land meet.” Being at the frontier of Taiwan, facing the boundless ocean, the East Coast Land Arts Festival hopes to observe the dynamics and autonomy of Taiwan from the periphery. Being at the edge of the island seems to maintain the perfect and poetic space that sets us apart interpersonally and by nature. The East Valley has been a meeting place, a symbiotic battlefield for various ethnic groups and between humans and nature. It is also the origin of creation and the birthplace of Taiwan, where Taiwan’s most ancient ruins of human civilization, on-going crustal movement, and cultural symbiosis co-exist. This seemingly peripheral area is, in fact, a microcosm of Taiwan, situated amidst different forces of civilization in today’s world. At the front line, where diverse cultures and nature ferociously collide, we have always survived and converged, blossoming into infinite possibilities.


在2017年我們為「東海岸大地藝術節」提出了「潮間共生」這個策展主題,並廣獲各界好評與認同,奠定「東海岸大地藝術節」不同於世界各地藝術節獨特的基礎論述,以宏觀的視野演繹實際上深深影響了整個太平洋世界的台灣東海岸潮間帶共生文化與生活美學。2018年延續「潮間共生」的主命題,以「島 群 之間」為年度子題,更細緻而深入地從台灣東海岸的視野,觀看台灣島與這星球中無數大小島嶼的關係,探索台灣作為泛太平洋文化母島卻被自己遺忘的「海洋性」,並藉此探索繼續書寫立足台灣東海岸的「太平洋美學」,持續與世界對話。 「潮間共生」之「邊界聚合」 歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海洋板塊的碰撞擠壓形成了台灣島,這個活躍劇烈的過程從六百萬年前至今仍在持續。因海洋板塊隱沒入大陸板塊而引起了造山運動,東海岸的海岸山脈正是菲律賓板塊的最前緣,持續推擠著屬於歐亞大陸板塊的中央山脈,而花東縱谷則是兩個板塊聚合的邊緣隱沒帶,台灣島的創生過程今仍活生生地在我們腳下發生著。 而「東海岸大地藝術節」中「大地」的概念不僅只是「土地」,更指涉「海洋與陸地交界之處」,作為台灣面向浩瀚大洋的最前緣,東海岸大地藝術節希望觀照的是島嶼邊緣的能動性與主體性,正因為這似乎是島嶼最邊陲的位置,讓花東維持著最剛好的、充滿詩意的人與人之間,人與自然之間的空間。 花東山海之間自古就是人與自然,各種族群文化之間碰撞交會的共生戰場~是歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海洋板塊相撞推擠的最前緣,也是台灣島誕生的第一現場,台灣最古老的人類文明遺址與最新鮮的地殼運動與文化共生都在這裡並存著~看似最邊陲之地其實是台灣在世界文明板塊運動中的縮影,我們始終就處於各種文明與自然劇烈撞擊交會的最前線,能夠在最激烈的衝擊中存活、聚合並開出無限可能的花朵。


2019東海岸大地藝術節精華影片 TEClandarts

2019東海岸大地藝術節精華影片 TEClandarts

Film directed and produced by Tommaso Muzzi and Cameron Hanson



在2017年我們為「東海岸大地藝術節」提出了「潮間共生」這個策展主題,並廣獲各界好評與認同,奠定「東海岸大地藝術節」不同於世界各地藝術節獨特的基礎論述,以宏觀的視野演繹實際上深深影響了整個太平洋世界的台灣東海岸潮間帶共生文化與生活美學。2018年延續「潮間共生」的主命題,以「島 群 之間」為年度子題,更細緻而深入地從台灣東海岸的視野,觀看台灣島與這星球中無數大小島嶼的關係,探索台灣作為泛太平洋文化母島卻被自己遺忘的「海洋性」,並藉此探索繼續書寫立足台灣東海岸的「太平洋美學」,持續與世界對話。 「潮間共生」之「潮騷之歌」 在探索台灣島嶼東岸在世界島嶼和海洋版圖中的位置之後,我們將在2019年的東海岸大地藝術節以「潮騷之歌」為子題,討論東海岸生活中身體跟隨自然節氣律動而產生的獨特節奏。旅人們總是讚嘆:「東海岸真是優閒慢活的好地方啊!」但實際生活在東海岸的人們卻覺得:「我們一點都不閒,忙得很啊!」生活在這裡,勞動者跟隨四季時序調整作息,譬如漫長的夏季天將破曉就得趕快上工,否則早上十點過後一直到下午三點之間的烈陽使人焦勞瘋狂…;而冬季當東北季風吹起時魚群隨洋流南下過冬,風強浪大卻也是討海人最忙碌的時刻…;更別說每天在長長海岸線上採集海菜、貝類和撒網捕魚的阿美族人,身體裡像是裝了潮汐漲落的自動計算機,在潮間帶低頭採集時也要隨時抬頭看浪,三大浪五小浪,這跟隨潮騷的俯仰之間,看似愜意緩慢實際上卻需要十足專注、自覺和代代累積的智慧經驗,就是東海岸生活自有的韻律…。 因此2019藉由「潮騷之歌」這個主題,透過月光海音樂會的樂舞設計和年度駐地創作的發表,再現東海岸生活中深受海洋潮汐牽引而蘊生的獨特的音樂性和時間感。

2019 Mother Island : Songs of Tidal Waves After exploring the East Coast of Taiwan’s geographic location on the world map of islands and oceans, “Songs of Tidal Waves” was confirmed as the theme for the 2019 East Coast Land Arts Festival, which will allow us to continue our dialogue on the sense of time of the East Coast life. Travelers often praise by saying, “life in Hualien and Taitung is righteously leisurely and slow-paced!” However, for the locals, “life is far from chillaxing, but rather busy.” Living here, on the East Coast, daily activities must adapt to seasonal patterns. For example, on a long summer day, one must start working before sunrise to avoid the maddening mid-day heat between 10 AM to 3 PM. As winter approaches, the northeast monsoon wind blows, and fish swarms with the southbound ocean currents, fishers must work hard through this time, regardless of the rough sea and gusty winds. Not to mention those Amis people harvesting seafood along the extensive coastline every day; all seem to have a built-in calculator that automatically counts when the next high or low tide is. In the intertidal zone, bending down and gathering food must be done with an eye on the wave patterns at all times. Rhythmically watching these tidal waves rise and fall may seem slow and easy. It requires the undivided attention, full body awareness, as well as the accumulative wisdom over many generations to interpret them, to embody such unique charming rhythm of the East Coast. Therefore, in 2019, under the theme “Songs of Waves”, a representation of the East Coast life, is brought forth through the dance and songs of the Moonlight Sea Concerts, and the annual release of the artist residency program, showing how the tidal force shapes the local culture, its unique musicality, and sense of time.


2018 Taiwan East Coast Land Arts Festival

2018 Taiwan East Coast Land Arts Festival - film promo -

來自旮都瑪樣的長者踏查日記 The Elders of Katumayan

2018台灣東海岸大地藝術節 2018 Taiwan East Coast Land Arts Festival

音樂提供 Music : 桑布伊 Sangpuy

影片製作 Video Production: Cameron Hanson and Tommaso Muzzi for Dagobah Films www.dagobahfilms.com


因此在2018年的「東海岸大地藝術節」中,藉由「島 群 之間」此一主題,其實最深層的企圖更是探索台灣作為泛太平洋文化母島卻被自己遺忘的「海洋性」,並藉此探索繼續書寫立足台灣東海岸的「太平洋美學」,持續與世界對話。

In 2018, under the theme “Inter-archipelago”, the deepest intention of Taiwan East Coast Land Arts Festival is to explore the “oceanic nature” of Taiwan, which has been forgotten by ourselves, as the mother island of the Pan-Pacific culture. With such exploration, we continually express the “Pacific Aesthetics” from the East Coast of Taiwan as our dialogue with the world continues. 音樂提供 Music : 桑布伊 Sangpuy

2017 TEC Land Arts Festival

2017東海岸大地藝術節宣傳短片TEC Land Arts Festival 2017 (Short Version)

2017東海岸大地藝術節 2017 TEC Land Arts Festiva

Film produced by Cameron Hanson and Tommaso Muzzi

https://www.teclandart.tw 東海岸大地藝術節(TECLandArt Festival)是交通部東海岸國家風景管理處於2015年開始委託專業承辦,沿著台灣東海岸各地舉辦的藝術活動,內容包括邀請藝術家駐地創作大型戶外作品,並設置在東海岸沿途風景區,稱之為「駐地創作營」。除此之外,還有沿著台11線公路開放藝術工作室、藝術市集、音樂會等,是一個以東部海岸線區域的自然環境、部落生活、棲息居住、旅行壯遊為主題的藝術節。東部海岸壯闊自然,有時優美有時狂野,有時神秘有時開放,生活在其中的人們,寂靜而自然,樸素而自由,本藝術節透過駐地創作、藝術品設置、藝術活動、完善的旅行設施,讓觀光者在公共場所中找到情境涉入與幸福感之關係,繼而產生夢想的在地生根。 《潮間 共生》 「東海岸大地藝術節」的基地,是從出了花蓮市開始向南延伸至台東市之間,總長約一百六十八公里,倚著海岸山脈面向太平洋的狹長土地,中有舊石器時代的長濱文化(距今五萬年前至五千年前),是台灣島上目前已知最早的人類生活遺跡。而後千百年來生活在此的原住民族群就有十族之多,再加上漢人族群和近年來頗為可觀的世界各國移民,總人口數卻不過五萬多人,那麼多族群散居在一片如此狹長的山海交會之處,而衍生的多元流動特質孕育出獨特的人與自然之間,人與人之間細密的共生關係。就像潮間帶是潮漲潮落之間露出的海岸,這既是海洋也是陸地的異質交會之處,卻也是自然生態最最豐富多元的地帶,亦是東海岸阿美族人每日採集食物的冰箱,蘊生了豐厚的海洋民族生活文化。 因此今年的藝術節,將在《潮間 共生》的核心精神下,透過駐地創作藝術呈現東海岸人文與自然的獨特質地。 而大地藝術節的藝術作品是人在自然之中的延伸,無可避免要面對東海岸嚴苛的自然條件考驗,本藝術節的期程也正好落於颱風季。因此希望藝術家在從創作理念到材質運用與形式呈現上,思考「颱風不是敵人,而是共生的朋友」之概念,作出真正貼近東海岸大地生活脈動的藝術詮釋。

2017 Taiwan East Coast Land Arts Festival June 10 – December 31 https://www.teclandart.tw Moonlit Sea Concerts 6/10-11, 7/9-10, 8/8-9 The third year for Taiwan’s East Coast Land Arts Festival, where resident artists create land art along the the Hualien Taitung coast. There will be 6 free concert dates and several open studious with activities open to the public. The geographic basis of the “East Coast Land Art Festival” is the long and narrow land mass leaning against the coastal mountain range facing the Pacific, 168 kilometers in length, extending southward from outside of Hualien City to Taitung City; home to the site of Paleolithic Chanbian Culture (50,000 to 5,000 years ago) that presented the earliest evidence of human activity on the island of Taiwan. Thousands of years passed, ten indigenous groups have found their home here, as well as the Han Chinese and a significant numbers of new immigrants from around the world have also settled here with the total population nerely reaching over 50,000. With so many ethnic groups scattered around in such a long and narrow place where the mountains meet the ocean, its extending diversified and fluid character gave birth to unique symbiotic relationships, both inter-personally and between people and nature. Just like the intertidal zone, the exposed coastal area that belongs to both the land and the ocean, is where different realities overlap, home to the richest ecological diversity, as well as mothering an abundant marine life culture, a food bank from where the local Amis people are provided daily. #TEClandarts, #MoonlitSeaconcerts, #landart, #artfestival

Taiwan East Coast Land Art Festival 2016

2016東海岸大地藝術節 - Taiwan East Coast Land Art Festival 2016 - promo film -

2016東海岸大地藝術節創意市集與開放工作室 Land Art Festival - Open Studio & Art Market

2016 月光‧海音樂季 2016 Moonlit Sea Concerts

2016東海岸大地藝術節 - Taiwan East Coast Land Art Festival 2016

Music by Balai “Nasaugalai” Film Makers:Cameron Hanson、Tommaso Muzzi Bonaventura *關於導演 about Film Makers Tommaso Muzzi 多瑪索.穆之 www.tommasomuzzi.com Cameron Hanson 卡麥隆-韓森 www.camhanson.com

交通部觀光局東部海岸國家風景區管理處辦理第二屆「東海岸大地藝術節」經過一個月的駐地創作過程,6位國內藝術家與2位國際藝術家(印度、日本),分別於轄區內花蓮新社半島梯田、都歷處本部、小馬部落、東河橋遊憩區、金樽遊憩區、加路蘭遊憩區等6處景色與人文絕佳的地點,完成東海岸特有的大地藝術作品,並於7月23日至10月10日在現地展覽。 作品展覽期間將在台東都蘭、花蓮港口與東管處等地陸續展開8場次「藝術創藝市集」、「月光音樂會」、「大地野餐樂」、「藝術微旅行」、「假日藝術導覽」、「工作室集章換好禮」、「徵文及創藝畢業照徵件比賽」等不同主題活動;並搭配東海岸沿線14處「藝文開放工作室」共二十餘位藝術家於7月9日至8月31日同步展覽,帶您進入文化交織而成的大地藝術世界。 音樂提供 詞曲/演唱:巴賴(高仲杰)“勇士” 影片導演:卡麥隆-韓森(美)、多瑪索.穆之(義) Along the East Coast of Taiwan in Hualien and Taitung counties 8 new land art installations have been created. From July to October their will be several concerts, art markets, and open studio activities to celebrate the new art works and the land of Taiwan’s East Coast.

Taiwan Land Art Festival 2015

Taiwan land art East Coast Festival -promo-2015

Taiwan Land Art Festival 2015

Film produced by Cameron Hanson and Tommaso Muzzi

ott 2015


The first year of the Taiwan East Coast Land Art Festival. 8 artists were invited to create a piece of land art on the east coast of Taiwan in Taitung County. After the works were completed several activities including concerts and open studios were held for the public to enjoy the art, meet the artists, and take in the scenery of the east coast.

Prima edizione del Taiwan East Coast Land Art Festival. Otto artisti, sette opere d’arte. Buona visione.