Yaku Mama-Mshjil

Yaku Mama-Mshjil

Directed by Tommaso Muzzi
Written and produced by Labay (林介文)

第三屆Pulima藝術獎 首獎 The First Prize, 3rd Pulima Arts Award, 2016

《Mshjil(孕育生命的人)》是一件關於生命體悟的作品,是一段 女人從預備生孕到養育生命的過程,作品裡運用大量的苧麻與人 髮(自己的、母親的、兒子的頭髮)。苧麻是土地的頭髮,而人 髮是身體上的材料,兩者都是生命的象徵,用它們來編織是為了 定心。影像與物件互相呼應是林介文近年所嘗試的藝術表現手法, 試圖將生命經驗以影像的方式紀錄下來,跟隨身體的驅性回到自 然原初狀態。透過創作將編織投射成時間,時間變成物件,物件 再構成空間。最後透過現場裝置的方式將中心理念呈現出來,就 像一場為自己所準備的儀式。


The work, Mshjil (the life nurturer), is a work about experiences of life, about the process of a woman starting with preparation for conception to nurturing a new life. A large amount of ramie and human hair (her own hair, hair from her mother and son) are used in this work. Ramie is like the hair of the earth while human hair is a kind of material directly from human body. Weaving the hair helps Labay Eyong to find peace of mind. During the past recent years, Labay Eyong has been experimenting with the artistic expression method of creating interconnections and mutual resonances between images and objects. Through the images, she attempts to record her life experiences and follow the natural urges of the body to return back to nature in its original state. Through the process of weaving, Labay Eyong projects time into objects and then uses the objects to construct a space. Finally, through the on-site installations, she presents the core concept of her work as if she is conducting a ritual prepared for herself.